Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Nietzsche on Power

The rise of science placed a strain on religion’s ability to retain its credence. Science had demonstrated an unprecedented ability to explain concepts that were once mysteries. This ability began to efface the dominion and power of the Christian God, and this led to the existentialist idea that man lives alone in the world and must rely only on himself. According to Nietzsche, this occurrence places power squarely in the hands of man, and the possession of this power leaves him with the ability to exert it over himself as well as others. One of the main ideas behind Nietzsche’s works is that the human individual constantly intends and strives toward wielding this power over others.Even actions that appear altruistic are really sparked by a rooted desire to control the person for whom the act is performed. Nietzsche advocates the fundamental egoism of all persons, declaring the focus of all human conceptions to be centered on the desire of that particular individual to dominate in a given situation. Even the evolutionary aspects of man’s position within the environment manifests the individual’s need to wield power: growth from youth to adulthood involves an increase of power and a decrease in subordination; the desire for upward social mobility represents this as well.According to Nietzsche, the need for power is an instinctive drive that is the end for which all pleasure-seeking actions strive. Yet Nietzsche also identified a need that humans have to control themselves—and this he conceived as the desire for internal power. Here is where Nietzsche’s truest interest in power lay. These themes can be demonstrated in his use of aphorisms and elaborations of these throughout his works Daybreak, the Gay Science, Beyond Good and Evil, and the Will to Power.The Judeo-Christian antagonism (indeed the antagonism of all religions) represents one example on earth of the power relations (struggle) of which Nietzsche writes. In Da ybreak, he writes: â€Å"the ship of Christianity threw overboard a good deal of its Jewish ballast† (40). Ironically, the idea represented in the aphorism â€Å"God is dead† describes the modern scientific supplanting of the Judeo-Christian view that God is ultimately responsible for the molding of the individual (Zupancic, 6).The scientific explanations of the universe—the Copernican revolution which challenged and toppled the geocentric view—weakened the idea that the anthropomorphic God was any longer (or ever was) in charge of the destiny of the universe. Essentially one of Nietzsche’s â€Å"power relations,† this struggle left each individual entity on the earth dependent on its own actions to take it through time. This has become one of the catalytic ideas that gave birth to the notion of internal power that drives man. This power has been expressed by Nietzsche in the form of self mastery, which develops in a complicated cycle, both as a result of and in accordance with the instinct. Though this important instinct arises out of the inward self-creation of the man, Nietzsche also acknowledges another type of instinct that drives men toward a different kind of power: domination.In the work The Will to Power Nietzsche points out the symbolism that can be found in the how states and societies have been constituted. The drive for power, he writes, undergirds the hierarchical nature of the organizations within each state. Societal classes demonstrate ways in which people have succeeded in gaining power over others.This again identifies another concrete example of power relations within the human world. The members of higher classes (which have acquired wealth) dominate in a situation where the other members of society look to them for their wages. Money represents buying power, without which people cannot live. By this reasoning, individuals who acquire their wages from these powerful members of the upper class look toward these moguls for their very sustenance. This is the manifestation of the power that, according to Nietzsche, all men instinctively seek.Yet even in this example where people appear to seek mastery over others, one can detect an example of the desire for internal power. Persons who must do the bidding of the rich in order to gain hold of the buying power that facilitates their continued existence—these persons recognize that others exert power over them. Their desire for upward mobility represents a desire to have that control returned to them, and this appears to be possible only simultaneously with having the power to control others. This can thus be seen as a dual drive toward dominance and independence.In Nietzsche’s opinion it is this self-mastery that represents the truest power. The picture of the ascetic monk who denies himself physical and aesthetic pleasures for the purpose of subduing his desires and mastering himself demonstrates more power than the w arriors who plunder other tribes and nations. On a deeper level, Nietzsche describes the inner workings of the human mind as a conflict of several wills that compete for power within the individual.He writes the following: â€Å"Suppose nothing else were ‘given’ as real except our world of desires and passions, and we could   not get down, or up, to any other ‘reality’ besides the reality of our drives–for thinking is merely a relation of these drives to each other† (Beyond, 36). People’s wills (or desires) often conflict with each other, and thoughts, Nietzsche explains, are the vehicles of the desires; it is via thought that desires identify themselves, and the mind is their battlefield. The ability to master oneself is essentially the ability of one thought to rise up and become the dominant will, mastering all the others.Nietzsche expresses this idea also in his book Beyond Good and Evil, the title of which is essentially a descri ption of the heights attained by those who have achieved the highest level of self mastery. He writes that such a person becomes â€Å"the man Beyond Good and Evil, the master of his virtues, the superabundant of will† (Beyond, 212). His will to create himself overflows, and he finds his own way toward morality and virtue through his own journey of self discovery.This journey involves a complex interplay of consciousness, subconsciousness, and instinct. Instinct comes about through a process in which consciousness of the outside world gathers knowledge that is taken in and absorbed into the mind in a kind of internalization process. The depth at which these internalized principles rest within the individual causes them to rank higher than the prevailing principles of the day. And the fact that the individual creates them him/herself places him or her in the powerful position of self-master.The hierarchical nature of the instincts themselves determines a way in which Nietzsche classes men according to their degree of control over themselves. The person who has attained an existence beyond good and evil is said to be supramoral, and this is the one who has fortified his internal power. It is in comparison to this person that Nietzsche is driven to classify lesser men. Such men are those who might be seen as stuck in the routines of life. They are bound by a herding instinct that is inherited rather than created.This hereditary instinct comes into the possession of not one but a plethora of individuals whose behaviors begin to demonstrate that they can no longer accurately be called individuals. They possess no mastery over themselves that allows them to create their own being with its own virtues and morals to dictate or inform their actions. Instead, their actions and motives are carbon copies of a million others who have, like themselves, passively accepted the norms of their society.Nietzsche’s idea of self-mastery and individualism is again mad e visible in his declaration that societies have caused passions to be laid to rest, whereas individuals who have distinguished themselves by developing internal power have contributed to the progress of the human race. He expresses this idea in the passage,Nowadays there is a profoundly erroneous moral doctrine that is celebrated especially in England: this holds that judgements of ‘good' and ‘evil' sum up experiences of what is ‘expedient' and ‘inexpedient.' One holds that what is called good preserves the species, while what is called evil harms the species. In truth, however, the evil instincts are expedient, species-preserving, and indispensable to as high a degree as the good ones; their function is merely different (The Gay Science, 74).Even evil persons, Nietzsche explains, have done more good for humanity than society itself with all its conformity and low-tiered hierarchical power. He argues that even powerful (though evil) individuals have given ot hers something worthwhile: they have provided the means of comparing and contrasting between extremes in ways that perform dialectically to take knowledge and morals to higher heights. These persons who have instinctively created their own morals through a systematic mastery of themselves give more power to humanity than those who conform and expend no energy in the pursuit of more powerful selves. The empowered individuals have done this through adding to the variety of knowledge (of good and evil) and creating new avenues and alternatives for self-mastering persons.Nietzsche’s regard for what he considered the power of the self-mastering individual eclipsed that of what he viewed as the general power struggle that often ensued from power relations. The self-made individual demonstrates an industry through which he is able to create his own morals and fabricate the instinct that will lead him toward those morals. Such a man Nietzsche considers to have transcended good and ev il by entering into a morality created at first through consciousness, but later sublimely through the subconscious. This man, in Nietzsche’s opinion, has truly achieved power of a type that goes beyond the mere control of others, as it has attained the much more difficult goal of self-control.Works CitedNietzsche, Friedrich. Beyond Good and Evil. 1886. trans. R.J. Hollingdale. New York:    Penguin, 1973.Daybreak: Thoughts on the Prejudices of Morality. (Cambridge Texts in the History    of Philosophy. Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 2003.The Gay Science: with a Prelude in Rhymes and an Appendix of Songs. New York:    Vintage/Random House, 1974.The Will to Power. 1888. trans. Walter Kaufman and R.J. Hollingdale. New York:   Ã‚   Vintage Books, 1967.Zupancic, Alenka. The Shortest Shadow: Nietzsche’s Philosophy of the Two (Short Circuits). Cambridge: MIT, 2003 Nietzsche on Power The rise of science placed a strain on religion’s ability to retain its credence. Science had demonstrated an unprecedented ability to explain concepts that were once mysteries. This ability began to efface the dominion and power of the Christian God, and this led to the existentialist idea that man lives alone in the world and must rely only on himself. According to Nietzsche, this occurrence places power squarely in the hands of man, and the possession of this power leaves him with the ability to exert it over himself as well as others. One of the main ideas behind Nietzsche’s works is that the human individual constantly intends and strives toward wielding this power over others.Even actions that appear altruistic are really sparked by a rooted desire to control the person for whom the act is performed. Nietzsche advocates the fundamental egoism of all persons, declaring the focus of all human conceptions to be centered on the desire of that particular individual to dominate in a given situation. Even the evolutionary aspects of man’s position within the environment manifests the individual’s need to wield power: growth from youth to adulthood involves an increase of power and a decrease in subordination; the desire for upward social mobility represents this as well. According to Nietzsche, the need for power is an instinctive drive that is the end for which all pleasure-seeking actions strive. Yet Nietzsche also identified a need that humans have to control themselves—and this he conceived as the desire for internal power. Here is where Nietzsche’s truest interest in power lay. These themes can be demonstrated in his use of aphorisms and elaborations of these throughout his works Daybreak, the Gay Science, Beyond Good and Evil, and the Will to Power.The Judeo-Christian antagonism (indeed the antagonism of all religions) represents one example on earth of the power relations (struggle) of which Nietzsche writes. In D aybreak, he writes: â€Å"the ship of Christianity threw overboard a good deal of its Jewish ballast† (40). Ironically, the idea represented in the aphorism â€Å"God is dead† describes the modern scientific supplanting of the Judeo-Christian view that God is ultimately responsible for the molding of the individual (Zupancic, 6). The scientific explanations of the universe—the Copernican revolution which challenged and toppled the geocentric view—weakened the idea that the anthropomorphic God was any longer (or ever was) in charge of the destiny of the universe.Essentially one of Nietzsche’s â€Å"power relations,† this struggle left each individual entity on the earth dependent on its own actions to take it through time. This has become one of the catalytic ideas that gave birth to the notion of internal power that drives man. This power has been expressed by Nietzsche in the form of self mastery, which develops in a complicated cycle, both as a result of and in accordance with the instinct. Though this important instinct arises out of the inward self-creation of the man, Nietzsche also acknowledges another type of instinct that drives men toward a different kind of power: domination.In the work The Will to Power Nietzsche points out the symbolism that can be found in the how states and societies have been constituted. The drive for power, he writes, undergirds the hierarchical nature of the organizations within each state. Societal classes demonstrate ways in which people have succeeded in gaining power over others. This again identifies another concrete example of power relations within the human world. The members of higher classes (which have acquired wealth) dominate in a situation where the other members of society look to them for their wages. Money represents buying power, without which people cannot live. By this reasoning, individuals who acquire their wages from these powerful members of the upper class loo k toward these moguls for their very sustenance. This is the manifestation of the power that, according to Nietzsche, all men instinctively seek.Yet even in this example where people appear to seek mastery over others, one can detect an example of the desire for internal power. Persons who must do the bidding of the rich in order to gain hold of the buying power that facilitates their continued existence—these persons recognize that others exert power over them. Their desire for upward mobility represents a desire to have that control returned to them, and this appears to be possible only simultaneously with having the power to control others. This can thus be seen as a dual drive toward dominance and independence.In Nietzsche’s opinion it is this self-mastery that represents the truest power. The picture of the ascetic monk who denies himself physical and aesthetic pleasures for the purpose of subduing his desires and mastering himself demonstrates more power than the warriors who plunder other tribes and nations. On a deeper level, Nietzsche describes the inner workings of the human mind as a conflict of several wills that compete for power within the individual.He writes the following: â€Å"Suppose nothing else were ‘given’ as real except our world of desires and passions, and we could   not get down, or up, to any other ‘reality’ besides the reality of our drives–for thinking is merely a relation of these drives to each other† (Beyond, 36). People’s wills (or desires) often conflict with each other, and thoughts, Nietzsche explains, are the vehicles of the desires; it is via thought that desires identify themselves, and the mind is their battlefield. The ability to master oneself is essentially the ability of one thought to rise up and become the dominant will, mastering all the others.Nietzsche expresses this idea also in his book Beyond Good and Evil, the title of which is essentially a desc ription of the heights attained by those who have achieved the highest level of self mastery. He writes that such a person becomes â€Å"the man Beyond Good and Evil, the master of his virtues, the superabundant of will† (Beyond, 212). His will to create himself overflows, and he finds his own way toward morality and virtue through his own journey of self discovery.This journey involves a complex interplay of consciousness, subconsciousness, and instinct. Instinct comes about through a process in which consciousness of the outside world gathers knowledge that is taken in and absorbed into the mind in a kind of internalization process. The depth at which these internalized principles rest within the individual causes them to rank higher than the prevailing principles of the day. And the fact that the individual creates them him/herself places him or her in the powerful position of self-master.The hierarchical nature of the instincts themselves determines a way in which Nietzsc he classes men according to their degree of control over themselves. The person who has attained an existence beyond good and evil is said to be supramoral, and this is the one who has fortified his internal power. It is in comparison to this person that Nietzsche is driven to classify lesser men. Such men are those who might be seen as stuck in the routines of life.They are bound by a herding instinct that is inherited rather than created. This hereditary instinct comes into the possession of not one but a plethora of individuals whose behaviors begin to demonstrate that they can no longer accurately be called individuals. They possess no mastery over themselves that allows them to create their own being with its own virtues and morals to dictate or inform their actions. Instead, their actions and motives are carbon copies of a million others who have, like themselves, passively accepted the norms of their society.Nietzsche’s idea of self-mastery and individualism is again m ade visible in his declaration that societies have caused passions to be laid to rest, whereas individuals who have distinguished themselves by developing internal power have contributed to the progress of the human race. He expresses this idea in the passage,Nowadays there is a profoundly erroneous moral doctrine that is celebrated especially in England: this holds that judgements of ‘good' and ‘evil' sum up experiences of what is ‘expedient' and ‘inexpedient.' One holds that what is called good preserves the species, while what is called evil harms the species. In truth, however, the evil instincts are expedient, species-preserving, and indispensable to as high a degree as the good ones; their function is merely different (The Gay Science, 74).Even evil persons, Nietzsche explains, have done more good for humanity than society itself with all its conformity and low-tiered hierarchical power. He argues that even powerful (though evil) individuals have given others something worthwhile: they have provided the means of comparing and contrasting between extremes in ways that perform dialectically to take knowledge and morals to higher heights. These persons who have instinctively created their own morals through a systematic mastery of themselves give more power to humanity than those who conform and expend no energy in the pursuit of more powerful selves. The empowered individuals have done this through adding to the variety of knowledge (of good and evil) and creating new avenues and alternatives for self-mastering persons.Nietzsche’s regard for what he considered the power of the self-mastering individual eclipsed that of what he viewed as the general power struggle that often ensued from power relations. The self-made individual demonstrates an industry through which he is able to create his own morals and fabricate the instinct that will lead him toward those morals. Such a man Nietzsche considers to have transcended good and evil by entering into a morality created at first through consciousness, but later sublimely through the subconscious. This man, in Nietzsche’s opinion, has truly achieved power of a type that goes beyond the mere control of others, as it has attained the much more difficult goal of self-control.Works CitedNietzsche, Friedrich. Beyond Good and Evil. 1886. trans. R.J. Hollingdale. New York:   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Penguin, 1973.—. Daybreak: Thoughts on the Prejudices of Morality. (Cambridge Texts in the History   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   of Philosophy. Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 2003.—. The Gay Science: with a Prelude in Rhymes and an Appendix of Songs. New York:    Vintage/Random House, 1974.—. The Will to Power. 1888. trans. Walter Kaufman and R.J. Hollingdale. New York:   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Vintage Books, 1967.Zupancic, Alenka. The Shortest Shadow: Nietzsche’s Philosophy of the Two (Short   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Ci rcuits). Cambridge: MIT, 2003

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Fast Food Essay

Do you like to eat fast food Nowdays people’s lives are becoming faster and faster. Because of a tight schedule, many people decide to eat fast food. Fast food is a western food. Fast food refers to any poor nutrition food that is easily prepared. Fast food may include chips, hot pies, sandwiches, burgers, kebabs, pizzas, soups, and salads. It also includes drinks, for instance, milkshakes, and soft drinks. Fast food has advantages and disadvantages. Some of the advantages of fast food are that fast food is cheap, time saving, and quick. Fast Food Saves Time People can order fast food on their way to or from work, without ever leaving their car, which is drive thru. Fast food is also designed to come in small packaging, So that people can consume it while traveling. Light on the Wallet Its means Eating fast food can save a lot of money for large families, students and anyone else looking to eat out without breaking the bank. Many fast food chains offer discount menus with foods costing. Customers also avoid having to leave a tip when they choose a fast food establishment over a typical restaurant. Easy to find place Some of the most popular fast food chains include McDonald’s, KFC, Burger King, Pizza Hut, Dunkin’ Donuts, and many more. Despite of having many advantages, fast food has many disadvantages including obesity and different kinds of diseases. Obesity Extra calories can lead to being overweight or obese. As we know children nowadays like to eat fast food. So the percentages of obesity among children increase from year to year. With obesity come other problems like high blood pressure, the increasing of cholesterol and other related diseases of the heart that can lead to heart attack and many more serious diseases. Fast food has advantages and disadvantages. Some of the advantages are that it is easy, quick, and inexpensive. On the other hand, some of the disadvantages are that it causes obesity and different kinds of diseases. Eating fast food is like playing with our health and if we lose our health neither the money, nor the time can get it back.

Monday, July 29, 2019

Nixon's Counterterrorism Policies Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Nixon's Counterterrorism Policies - Essay Example It also looked into the implementation of these activities effectively. It consisted of the Secretary of State, Secretary of Defense, the Attorney General, Secretary of Transportation, Secretary of Treasury, the Ambassador of the United Nations, the director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation, director of the Central Intelligence Agency and Assistant to the President for National Security affairs (Crenshaw n.p.). Two incidents which triggered the formation of this committee took place in the early 1970’s which led to the development of the modern counterterrorism policies. One occurred at the Munich Olympics in September 1972 by the Black September Organization, killing approximately 11 Israeli athletes. Another case of terrorism conducted by the same organization occurred in the form of kidnapping which took place in Khartoum and the immediate assassination of US Ambassador and his Deputy Chief Commission along with a Belgian diplomat (Naftali 33). This was the ultimate c ase which convinced President Nixon to take strong action against terrorism. The tangible threats to the US national security were the main focus of Nixon’s policy. ... By the time it got down to Clinton, he ensured his policies stood out from his predecessors. Another aim was to reduce the tension in the Middle East between the Israeli and Arab world. Nixon had assigned the responsibilities of counterterrorism to his old friend William Roger (Alexander xix). Arabs were in a natural conflict with the United States for its support for the Israel cause. Ever since the Six Day War of 1967, the Palestinians’ resentment grew stronger and they took wild measures in the form of terrorist acts. The case of Jordan in 1970 was one of great concern for the Western world. The defeat of the Fatah-led Palestinians gave rise to the emergence of the organization of Black September which split away from PLO by its own choice and continued to involve in radical acts across the globe. The main concern while fighting against these terrorists forces for the US was the elaborate network which could capture their Embassy in Jordan. The US paratroopers were brought to alert positions and seize the International Airport if necessary. This was the first lesson they got in dealing with the terrorists (Naftali 54). The presidents were pressurized to maintain their complete attention on the issue of terrorism. Although they did their best, their resolutions and initiatives were never entirely implemented by the concerned bureaucracies. In 1981 the call to establish a clearinghouse of intelligence by Vice President George H.W. Bush went unheard. The National Security Decision Directive 138 was issued by Reagan’s administration in 1984 strongly condemning any act of terrorism stating that such activities would not be tolerated by the United States (Crenshaw 2005). Nixon employed several steps as a move towards counterterrorism which

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Modern Breakthrough Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Modern Breakthrough - Essay Example Harvey's idea change the way in which science and medicine were done. As a result, Harvey was considered to be one of the pioneers of the scientific revolution. His discovery of the circulation of the blood is directly related to how science is viewed today. His theory on the circulation of the blood redefined science and made his methods a modern breakthrough in the world of anatomy and physiology. Specifically, the movement of the heart and flow of blood can be examined through his persistent observation method, replication of his scientific procedures, circular movement of blood, and innate heart (Shackelford lecture, 2006; Harvey, 1628) The observational method was used to examine the movement of the heart and blood flow in Harvey's scientific experiment. Harvey believe that persistent, careful observation is the most effective way in studying the functions, movement, pulsation, and the performance of the heart. His medical view disproved the medieval scholastic methods of studying medicine due to the fact that medieval scholars relay on ancient texts and outdated inaccuracies about the human body. They sought to understand and gain knowledge through reading and comparing arguments. However, Harvey claimed that hands on experiments are the core essence of knowledge. His medical claims are based on the concept of empiricism, which proposed that direct experience is the beginning of knowledge. He believes that empirical evidence would allow many scientists and students to acquire the same result in any given situation. Harvey's theory proposed that scientific claims are expected to verification through direct experim ent and logical reasoning (Harvey, 1628). His medical theories were considered to be one of the heroes of the Scientific Revolution because his procedures of anatomical dissection and scientific claims are easily replicable. For instance, his claims about ligatures in medical practices allow practitioners to draw blood from human's body. Experimenters can replicate Harvey's procedure and receive the same result by applying specific bandages used in blood-letting to a wide vein in a man's arm. It was recommended that the ligature be made as tight as a person can bear. The vein would appear abnormally swollen as if it was trying to explored and the blood would be little cooler than usual because the blood in the swollen areas has no means of acquiring innate warmth. However, the vein returns to its normal state immediately the bandages were released. This experiment revealed how human can simply suffocate from lack of blood flow and oxygen in the body (Harvey, 1628). Some of Harvey's procedures about how to get the best result can be seen in Hippocratic writings on the importance of having the correct body position during treatment. They believed that individuals who maintained good posture during treatment were able to recover more quickly without experiencing pain. For this reason practitioners were responsible for encouraging their patients to maintain a good posture (Lloyd, 1978). One of the most outstanding statements in Harvey's scientific claims was on the circular movement of blood. This implies that when blood exits the heart that it would return to it starting point. Harvey first considered how much blood enters the heart and the time it takes for blood to return back to its starting point. He believed that individuals' beats and time are important in demonstrating his claims because if a scientist knows how fast

Leopards and Humans Conflict in india Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Leopards and Humans Conflict in india - Essay Example HWC normally come in a number of ways but the most common methods are crop destruction and the attacking of livestock. Many Indians who reside close to forest boundaries are farmers that mostly depend on agriculture (Pradhan et al.). Most of them normally keep domestic animals due to the abundance of grass in the forest. Forested regions normally receive a large amount of rainfall hence an ideal place to reside for farmers. In order to curb human-wildlife conflicts, the Indian government ought to come up with a more stable idea whereby both humans and wild animals will benefit. According to an interview on approximately 103 respondents residing in 5 different villages close to Kitam bird sanctuary, continuous destruction of crops by wild birds such as the Indian peacocks has not only resulted to loss of crops but also money that farmers have invested in the crops (Pradhan et al.). Apart from birds, wild animals have also resulted to a massive extermination of domestic animals. According to the research, approximately 1.55 goats have been lost to wild animals in each homestead (Pradhan et al.). According to some interviewees, goats are normally the most targeted especially by the leopard (Pradhan et al.).Therefore, the government ought to come up with a lasting solution because the only methods used by residents to protect their crops and animals mostly are non-lethal methods such as guarding their crop s and wildlife at nighttime. Apart from guarding the crops and animals, residents have also devised other methods such as the use of scare cows to frighten wild animals (Pradhan et al.). Research cites several factors, which the government and its citizens can embrace to minimize the rate of HWC in India. One of the possible solutions to human wildlife conflicts is to minimize the rate at which the media reports HWC issues (Bhatia et al. 588). According to research so far conducted, the mass

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Coaching Principles and Practice Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2750 words

Coaching Principles and Practice - Essay Example Many coaches never make a conscious decision regarding the coaching method(s) they adopt or could adopt. Often coaches adopt methods they experienced as athletes, or as a consequence of watching other coaches, maybe as a spectator, or as an assistant coach. This approach to learning how to coach is often called the apprentice model because the learning occurs 'on the job' and at the side of a more experienced coach. This model may work well if the exemplary coach is a quality coach and has the time to spend with the apprentice coach, but many times this is not the case and the result is that undesirable coaching practices continue to be reproduced. The work of Tinning et al. (1993) reminds against slipping into the belief that methods exist separately from the coach, and that they can be simply implemented unproblematically by the coach. Coaching is a social practice, and this implies the involvement of the whole person, in relation to specific activities as well as social communities. Thus, methods can be viewed not as a â€Å"set of strategies which can be successfully or unsuccessfully implemented by a teacher [read coach], they are more like a set of beliefs about the way certain types of learning can best be achieved. They are as many statements about valued forms of knowledge as they are about procedures for action†. The direct method of coaching involves the coach to do the following: †¢ Providing the information and direction to the group/individual †¢ Controlling the flow of information... Often coaches adopt methods they experienced as athletes, or as a consequence of watching other coaches, maybe as a spectator, or as an assistant coach. This approach to learning how to coach is often called the apprentice model because the learning occurs 'on the job' and at the side of a more experienced coach. This model may work well if the exemplar coach is a quality coach and has the time to spend with the apprentice coach, but many times this is not the case and the result is that undesirable coaching practices continue to be reproduced. The work of Tinning et al. (1993) reminds against slipping into the belief that methods exist separately from the coach, and that they can be simply implemented unproblematically by the coach. Coaching is a social practice, and this implies the involvement of the whole person, in relation to specific activities as well as social communities. Thus, methods can be viewed not as a "set of strategies which can be successfully or unsuccessfully implemented by a teacher [read coach], they are more like a set of beliefs about the way certain types of learning can best be achieved. They are as much statements about valued forms of knowledge as they are about procedures for action" (Tinning et al. 1993, p. 123). Characteristics of Coaching Methods Direct Method The direct method of coaching involves the coach to do the following: Providing the information and direction to the group/individual Controlling the flow of information Privileging the demonstration, (it can be given by the coach or the athlete, or be on video) (Kirk et al. 1996) Giving little recognition to the diverse needs of the athletes Behaving in ways that can be categorised as managerial and organisational Setting goals that are specific

Friday, July 26, 2019

Analysis of Mill's Idea To Women Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Analysis of Mill's Idea To Women - Essay Example They showed superior strength and abilities than that of women due to their physical advantages. Because of the great difference in terms of physiology, women were expected to display an acquiescent nature in society. Later on, when men had stepped in to nearly all major professions, John Stuart Mill, a nineteenth-century philosopher, endeavored to persuade others that women should be given equal rights as men. According to his article entitled Subjection of Women, Mill declares that women are willing to give of themselves in order to make an impact in the development of the society. However, in some ways, they have been dispossessed of their human rights and in other ways have been taught to be reliant on others. At present, through enduring struggle and effort for their rights, women have finally succeeded but a number of obstructions hinder them from freely practicing their rights. Although men, throughout time, subjugated women, the vision of pursuing independence has never cease d. Mill states, â€Å"a considerable number of [women] have occupied themselves practically in [†¦] their own family and household.† (827) During earlier times, women’s rights were not given great significance and it was regarded that their only duties was to take care of family or give birth. Women were limited from making decisions for their lives. Nonetheless, they continued to fight for freedom and equality, and influenced European history with two noteworthy attributes: a bete-noir to warfare and a compulsion to philanthropy (827). Even though women seemed to continually struggle being in a man’s world, their eagerness and assurance to attain inalienable rights has never been lost. In addition, Chinese women also strove for their freedom and became successful when they confronted the unjust sexism in their community. As a depiction and representation of this, Empress Wu, who was a well-known governor in history and who governed during the Tang dynasty, was able to make it into an affluent age in Chinese history. Notwithstanding the disparagement of the people who believed that ruling a country is men’s work, she did not relinquish and eventually made her reign successful. A good number of negative cases about women have presently disappeared, and many cases have provided evidence and proof that women are competent and are able to lead the world to move forward. Illustrious women such as Eleanor Roosevelt, Mother Theresa, Helen Keller, Anne Frank, Amelia Earhart, Margaret Thatcher and Oprah Winfrey have contributed, inspired and have influenced the world, to a great extent, by their own efforts. Women’s rights were eventually secured but new encumbrances occurred and prevented females from gaining independence once more. To acquire pleasures and distractions in this materialistic world, some women, particularly the ones who are attractive and beautiful, preferred to live depending on men for support and provision. Fo r the reason that some women fixed their eyes on money and social standing, a number of of them anticipated to marry rich or high-status men in order to be taken care of, to be supported with less problems in careers, to achieve higher education, or to be secured with high-salary jobs. Greed caused them to lose direction and control of their independence. At this point, the problem is no longer about the independence of women, but it is the fact that women did not make full use of their talents and abilities. People must deal with this substantial predicament and re-evaluate what abilities girls should present both in family and in social activities. Poor conduct is intolerable and it causes divergence between principles and morals of the day. Being well

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Trickster Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Trickster - Research Paper Example Events in the world are not so simple to distinguish and thus, the divisions of the oppressor and the oppressed, the victimiser and the victimised, are porous and these two categories often overlap. The coexistence of both categories within the same society often makes this porosity of categories inevitable and this shall be analysed while looking at the characters who seek to escape social boundaries and social restrictions through trickery, and usually earn a living through exploiting others. It is thus, not surprising that in many of these stories, the trickster belongs to non-white races and may often be women or belong to ambiguous sexual identities and orientations. Literature becomes a medium whereby writers seek to show the society how trickery becomes the only option that is available for a class of people who are unable to launch any open form of protest. The character of the trickster may in some cases, not even be human. It may be the society that plays tricks upon the co nsciousnesses of human beings and may also lead to the distortion of memories. Toni Morrison’s story, Recitatif, exemplifies this idea. It talks of the life of a child named Twylla. Twylla is raised for a while in a shelter home where she meets Roberta Fisk. She enters into a friendship with Roberta and sees how a deaf woman named Maggie is abused by the older girls of the shelter. The story of Maggie is told often through memories and often, the narrator of the story can be suspected of being an unreliable narrator. This feature of the story makes it impossible for the reader to identify what happened to the character of Maggie and the question remains whether she was victimized as a result of her being black. This ambiguity in the story points to the unseen character of the trickster in the story, memory. The memory of both Roberta and Twylla are shown to be unreliable and they serve the function of the traditional trickster (Morrison). The trickster, in a manner that is si milar, can also be the collective consciousness of a community. The clean environment of Harlem on Sundays makes the people believe that they are better off in life than they actually are, in the Langston Hughes’s poem, â€Å"Passing†. The real lack of economic resources and squalid manner of living makes these areas want to be like people of other areas that were economically better off. This is possible, according to Hughes, only by converting the collective imagination of the people into metaphoric tricksters (Hughes). In another work by Hughes â€Å"Who’s Passing for Who?† he describes his experience with a couple which seemed to be white. They later reveal that they are colored. While leaving Hughes, they say that they were white people trying to pass off as colored. In this story, the trickster couple serve to bring to the fore the racist assumptions that are made by both white and colored people. Both sets of people harbored prejudices that were de ep-rooted. The young black writers who are a part of the group that Hughes is with try to make themselves appear very knowledgeable. This is a consciously put on act that is aimed at impressing the white people. When they are told that the couple is colored, they end up being very friendly with them and they let their guard down. They then become more

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Module 2 Case Assignment Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Module 2 Assignment - Case Study Example CPI/Original Year CPI) * 100 = ((234-217)/217)*100 =7.834 Part III: 1. Unemployment Rate = (Number of people Unemployed / Number of people in the civilian labor force) * 100 = (2500/30000) * 100 = 8.33 % 2. Now 500 people have stopped looking for a job so they will not be counted, as unemployed neither they will be counted in the total labor force. So now unemployment rate is: ={(2500-500)/(30000-500)} * 100 =(2000/29500) * 100 =6.78% Part IV: 1. As we can see that the interest rates on the treasury bonds tends to increase over the years. The difference among the rates in the bonds is caused by Maturity Risk Premiums. This is because to invest for a longer period is relatively risky due to the uncertainty in the economic conditions. 2. The statement that ‘the liquidity premium requires that an asset can be sold both quickly and for fair market value’ is false. This is because the liquidity premium is paid to the investors as a security. Since, the bonds ‘cannot be easily converted to cash’. They are paid a premium to compensate for the illiquidity. 3. Inflation over the years = (Change in CPI / Original CPI) * 100 = ((105-102.5)/102.5)*100 = 2.439 % Therefore, annual inflation rate over the 3 years is 1.02439. Divide 1 by the number of years, so we get 1/3. Now, 1.02439 ^ (1/3) is 1.00806. And subtracting 1 from 1.00806 will give us the annual inflation rate, which is 0.008064 or 0.8064 %. Investors should require a 0.8064% inflation premium. 4. The yield curve will not have an upward slope but rather a flatter curve since the investors will not get high rates of interest on purchasing bonds as the risk of investing is zero and the value of their capital will remain the same. Part V: 1. As we compare the GDP levels of the US, Japan, Canada and the UK, we can see the trends of the rate of their GDP growth in the respective years from 2008 till present. During 2008, the GDP of all the countries increased by a similar figure that is aroun d 1 to 1.5 percent. During 2009 the trends changed for all countries as we can see however to varying extents. The GDP of all countries decreased. This is visible from the negative rate of growth as we can see where the GDP of Japan was highly affected and it fell by 9 percent. However, the GDP of UK fell by 6 percent, of US around 5 percent and 4 percent for Canada. After 2010, the economic situation seemed better and the economies started to recover where Japan hit the rate of almost 14 percent, from a negative rate of 9 % to a positive 5. Other countries GDP also increased with UK increasing least. In 2011, the trend seemed somewhat stable for the US and Canada. The rate decreased a little for the UK. However, it was very static in the case of Japan until 2012. 2. The prices were increasing persistently during 2008 in all the countries. However, inflation rate in the US and in the UK was highest of about 4 percent. The inflation rate in Canada was about 3 percent while in Japan i t was 2 percent. During 2009, because of the economic crisis prices actually decreased, as it is visible from the figure, with Japan facing deflation 2 percent and the US of about 1.75 percent. Canada faced deflation of about 1 percent. While the prices in the UK did not decrease, they rose at a lesser rate. Gradually prices started rising during 2010 until 2012, with UK facing highest rate of inflation, following the US and Canada at a similar pace. And Japan was still stuck in

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Human resources management. Personal Case Study Reflection Essay

Human resources management. Personal Case Study Reflection - Essay Example Instead of hiring another architect to succeed him, the position was united with that of the SMA in an affiliate mall. Since the current SMA with expanded duties held office in another mall and only remotely communicated with Robinsland, a ‘stand-in’ was assigned with whom he could coordinate. This was Edna, who worked as technical clerk in the leasing department, a marketing group. Leasing was a logical unit to relate with the mall architects because they dealt with tenants. As junior architect, Charles’ main job was to coordinate with the tenants and conduct inspections of their units, making sure that they met the mall standards for repair and refurbishing. As soon as Edna began her new function, friction erupted between her and Charles. Edna was heard fuming: ‘OMG, Charles, you are the reason for all my problems! You are the technical person, you should know this!’ When interviewed by the Group Manager (GM), Charles expressed that he was always stressed, and he and Edna had communication problems. Charles was demoralised and was thinking of resigning. However, the GM felt that he had great potential in the company, and wanted him to stay, also because architects were getting harder to recruit for mall operations. Issues and their causes The issues in this case are squarely within the sphere of human resources management and deal with how individuals behave in relation to each other in an organisation. There are three principal issues that surfaced. Staffing The first is the issue of staffing, which is broadly defined as â€Å"the process of determining human resource needs in an organisation and securing sufficient quanti ties of qualified people to fill those needs† (Caruth, et al., 2009, p. 2). Specifically in this case, the issue revolved around the assignment of duties on the basis of convenience, not capability. The facts showed that Edna acted as bridge the role of junior architect and SMA, yet was not an architect. Expanding the scope of duties of the other SMA over two malls was a mistake because the individual occupying that position cannot effectively discharge his duties particularly pertaining to Robinsland. Charles may be an architect, but as a junior he has no prerogative to decide matters that Edna knew nothing about. Organisations’ staffing policies should require that the individual possess the skills and knowledge to discharge the duties. Motivation The second issue is that of motivation, defined as â€Å"those psychological processes that cause the arousal, direction, and persistence of voluntary actions that are goal directed† (Mitchell, 1982, p. 81). In this d efinition, the meaning of â€Å"goal† is admitted even by experts to be ambiguous. One construct can mean â€Å"achievement goal† such as those encountered in a school or sports setting (Shah & Gardner, 2008, p. 238). In this case, however, while achievement goal may apply, it seems inadequate in explaining the cause of the conflict. Aside from the purpose of achieving the goals of their functions, Charles and Edna were also motivated by personal goals – for Charles, the fulfilment of his architectural interests, and for Edna, the need to be recognised as competent in her new job. Supervisory training It is noticeable that Edna’s designation as â€Å"technical clerk† is rank-and-file and not supervisory. A supervisor is one who is put in charge of rank-and-file personnel and is the first line of management in the organisation (McConnell, 2011). The supervisor’

Monday, July 22, 2019

William Blakes history and also compare five different poems Essay Example for Free

William Blakes history and also compare five different poems Essay In my essay I will give some information on William Blakes history and also compare five different poems. The poems I will compare are London, The Chimney Sweeper (Songs of Innocence) with The Chimney Sweeper (Songs of Experience). I will also compare The Lamb with The Tiger. I will explain the poems first and explain what I thought the poem was about when I read it and using this knowledge I will compare. William Blake was a profound genius to some, and a nutcase to others. A British poet, painter, visionary mystic, and engraver were some of his many occupations. Born in 1757 on November 28th William was the third of five children to a successful London hosier. William grew up in Soho, London where he was first educated at home, chiefly by his mother. From the age of 6, William Blake was amazed and intrigued by spirits; angels and ghosts. He saw and conversed with the angel Gabriel, the Virgin Mary and various other historical figures. Blake was always enclosed in his personal visions and always seemed to be in his own world. His visions and beliefs made William the man he was and the way he is portrayed to the world today. William was deeply influenced by gothic art and architecture and this showed in his work. After finishing his apprenticeship Blake set out to make his living as an engraver. After studies at the Royal Academy School, Blake started to produce his own watercolors and engravings for magazines. In 1782, Blake married Catherine Boucher, the daughter of a market gardener. Blakes life, except for three years at Felpham where he prepared illustrations for an edition of Cowper, was spent in London. Blakes poems were long flowing and had urges of violent energy. They were full of power and moments of tenderness. A poem thought to be like this would inevitably be associated with Blake. Blake was not blinded by rules, but approached his subjects wholeheartedly, with a mind not distracted by current affairs. On the other hand this made Blake an outsider. He approved of free love and sympathized with the actions of the French Revolutionaries but the reign of terror disturbed him. He believed that as all men are born equal, that there should be only one social and economic level. Royalty such as Kings and Lords were seen as being in a league with the devil as they regarded themselves as being above other men. Blakes paintings and engravings, notably his illustrations of his own works are realistic in representing the human anatomy and other natural forms. However his paintings were rejected by the public as he was called a lunatic for his imaginative work. Blakes religious beliefs stemmed from a long tradition in Britain of Christian dissenters whom refused to accept the established church. This tradition was opposed to established religion, was suspicious of the monarchy and the role it played in religion and had long railed against corruption and abuse of power in the Church and Monarchy. Blake lived during a time of intense social change. The American Revolution, the French Revolution, and the Industrial Revolution all happened during his lifetime as well as the vicious backlash to these events by the British establishment. The Revolutions left William Blake disturbed and unsure of what was happening. English poet Appelbaum said, He was liberal in politics, sensitive to the oppressive government measures of his day, and favorably inspired by the American Revolutionary War and the French Revolution (Appelbaum v). As London shows, however, Blake did not entirely approve of the measures taken to forward the causes he longed to advance: London refers to how the hapless Soldiers sigh/ runs in blood down Palace walls Among many other events which took place during the French Revolution, this could possibly refer to the executions of the French royalty. William Blake died on August 12, 1827, and is buried in an unmarked grave at Bunhill Fields, London. Blake wrote Songs of Innocence and Experience in the 1790s. The main theme of the poems came from Blakes belief that children lost their innocence as they grew older and were influenced by the bad ways of the world. Blake believed that children were born innocent and pure but as they grew up, they became experienced as they were influenced by the beliefs and opinions of adults and others around them. When this happened they could no longer be considered innocent and pure. The poems from Songs of Innocence were written from an innocent childs perspective. The poems from Songs of Experience were written from the perspective of a more experienced person. London (Songs of Innocence) Songs of Innocence features the politically powerful poem London. Blake wandered through the streets of London and sees the streets and even the river suffering under political oppression. Everyone he passes, he sees signs of misery and moral weakness. He notices the expressions and emotions ordinary people are feeling. He doesnt just see the misery of the sweep, the soldier, the prostitute or the baby; he also hears it in their cries, sighs and tears. He puts himself in their shoes and sees the churchs spirit blackened as the institution has allowed the fall of beliefs. He is writing about the reality of London and what the war has done to London. He does not see any life in the faces he sees as he walks, he sees faces of weakness and woe as London seems to have been taken over. It seems even the streets and the river Thames have been taken over by the rich, the poor people seem to be there for the rich peoples amusement. For instance, he describes the Thames and the city streets as chartered or controlled by commercial interests. He refers to mind-forged manacles; he talks of the mens faces and their weakness, marks of woe. William is becoming increasingly frightened of what the future holds as diseases are spreading and the public is becoming disillusioned about the reliability and honesty of politicians. William Blake wants to know what happened to the society that London had, when pain and misery was not the only feeling felt. Blake feels owned, like he is a nobody, he feels he does not have the right to be him anymore. He sees the dying soldiers last breath as if it is blood running down the royal palace walls. Blake has never seen such an unhappy era. He talks of marriage and death, which us an oxymoron as they are both opposites to add effect. Everything natural Blake sees as owned. He has no voice to speak out, no freewill and no opinions. Even if he was to try no one would listen. Blake is furious as he sees nature as Gods creations, Blake is angry that people seem to be owning what is not theirs. London seems to be more about society than William Blakes life but it does have an element of his childhood and how society was portrayed to him. He sees it as a struggle for everyone and how everyone puts on a front as if their emotions are locked away. There is a division between the rich and the poor and he does not see why. He does not see why the rich get priority when there are others in need more. I think he uses his childhood to be able to express his feeling as a child and give a direct image of how the division of classes and status caused misery. Compared to the Chimney Sweeper; London is more about society and politics and how he believes people made the wrong decisions. He because of this he has suffered and the children who are growing up will suffer too. The Chimney Sweeper is more about William Blakes childhood and how he was fooled by the world. It is connected to London as politics and society do come in to it. Exploitation is also a theme as in The Chimney Sweeper the little chimney sweepers are being exploited and being taken advantage of and William Blake seems to be standing up for this; in London, he is standing up for the rights of everyone especially those living in poverty. He seems to want to help in both poems and make it better. He seems like a good person who wants to speak out of the terrible conditions because no-one else will. He speaks out by his writing; he says it all in his poems so it is clearer and more effective. The poems are in comparison as they both contain elements of society, politics and the rights of a citizen; or the rights William Blake believes we should have. Both talk about people in different classes; who have different statuses and their rights and responsibilities they should have. God is associated with both of these as William Blake put his faith in to God but no one seems to be getting the life they deserve. However in these poems I dont think God is the only one to blame, politicians and the government seem to of had an effect on William Blake. Enough for him to speak out. The Chimney Sweeper (Songs of Innocence) William is writing this poem in the perspective of a young boy called Tom. It is almost like William is talking of his own childhood but covering it up by using a different name. This is how William saw life when he was younger and what he thought of what was actually happening. The child monologue of Tom uses an innocent perspective on what is it like for a young boy to be living in such conditions and politically drastic decisions. William uses rhyming couplets to help the poem flow with ease. He talks of young boys working, being exploited and often killed because of the terrible conditions they have to face. He cleverly uses the word weep! By hiding sweep in it. He is using the movement the young boys had to do with the sound they made which was them weeping. I think this is a clever thing to do as it makes you think of what they had to do and how they felt about doing it. William is saying the young boys were not happy and were very scared. In the second stanza, William talks of how he actually sees Tom and what his relationship to Tom is. He talks about how little Tom Dacre cried when his head was shaved but William tries to bring light to this and make it into a joke. William says Hush, Tom! Never mind it, for when your heads bare, You know that the soot cannot spoil your white hair. William is trying to make Tom feel better by joking about it, and showing how it is practical for his hair to be shaved but it is like shaving off little Toms purity and innocence. It seems Tom has lost his identity with his innocence. Tom did not like the reality of the institutions and William talks of Tom having bad dreams about the other boys who sweep the chimneys all being locked up in coffins of black. Not coffins of white but coffins of black, showing a sad image of how bad he sees life. William uses the names Dick, Joe, Ned and Jack showing deep down they know their identity, but to others they are nobodies. This is an upsetting view of life for them, as they are so young and have their whole lives to live but honestly they cannot see the point of living. It is a terrible life; all he seems to talk of is death and blackness which should not be the things on a little boys mind. Tom seems to have been blackened by the chimney soot literally and in his mind he seems to be in darkness. He can not seem to see the light anymore. There is a glimpse of hope as William writes about an angel who Tom sees in his dreams: And by came an angel who had a bright key, And he opened the coffins and set them all free; Then down a green plain leaping, laughing, they run, And wash in a river and shine in the sun. This gives the image that Tom might have just seen the light and his darkness has been replaced by hope. It is a sad image but it brings hope for Tom like a kind of heaven. To have pure innocence and the freedom in the sun. I dont think this is just Toms view, I also believe this is William Blakes view on how he wished it could have been for him when he was younger. In the fourth stanza William writes of the little boys being naked and all white as if their innocence and purity which was taken away from them has come back. He writes how they rise above the clouds perhaps on their way to heaven and how Tom had an angel; which seems like a guardian angel who says if Tom is a good boy he will have God as his father and will never want joy. However this angel could be seen in a dark way, as the Angel of death, but Tom and William decide not to view it in this dark way and try to look to the positives. This shows Tom looks to God for help and wisdom, he believes in his faith and one day wants to be up there with God. The sixth stanza talks of how Tom sadly awoke from his dream and rose in the dark, collected his tools and went off to work. William writes Though the morning was cold, Tom was happy and warm; So if all do their duty they need not fear harm. I think this is showing how much Tom looks up to the heavens above and at God, as he believes one day he will be up there with the almighty people. He believes if he carries on doing his job and his duties, he will be happy and he need not fear harm as God is protecting him. I think this is also what William believed. William believed he was blessed by God and everything he saw and did was for a reason. Tom I also think believes this. That God is the only one that can help. He can bring the little childrens innocence and purity back and free their souls. The poem ends in hope for Tom and perhaps William. The Chimney Sweeper (Songs of Experience) This is very much a darker and more savage vision than that of The Chimney Sweeper (Songs of Innocence). Religion plays a big part in this poem and a lot is related to God. William talks of a neglected child and how religion has affected the child. The first stanza talks of the child looking for his mother and father, as they have gone up to the church to pray. From this first stanza it seems the childs parents are religious and look to God for help. The second stanza is in the past tense and talks of the child being happy upon the heath, smiling in the winters snow but then being clothed in the clothes of death; which he means the dark chimney sweeping clothes that have a sense of death. William writes about how the child was forced to work and taught the notes of woe. This is a sad image, as it seems the little child used to be happy and free, but was sent to work as a chimney sweeper and there he learnt the world of sadness and fear. He found out how to cry and be sad which once upon a time he did not know what sad was. However he has been taught to put on a front, to try and cover his sadness and woe with a happy smile so others cannot see that his condition is a sad one. It is like he is playing with death and any moment he could be gone. He feels mentally dead and inside he cannot feel anything but emptiness. In the third stanza, the child talks of how he tries to be happy by dancing and singing; giving the impression to others he is a happy youngster who is looked after well. This is not the case though as William writes: And because I am happy and dance and sing, They think they have done me no injury, And are gone to Praise God and his Priest and King, Who make up a heaven of our misery. The child is extremely depressed yet it seems no one can see it. He puts on a front to please people but deep down he has been hurt by everyone around him; his parents and God. He has been caused injury and pain and does not see the point in life. He makes himself look happy when in fact inside he is dead already. He has turned his back on God as he feels God has deserted him. He wants to know how the almighty God can bring such pain and hurt to such a young boy who has looked to him for help. God is meant to be there for help and advice, what God can make a child feel so depressed and sad that he feels on the inside he is dead already? He sees heaven as a place of miserable people, not happy but sad. Heaven was what The Chimney Sweeper (Songs of Innocence) was mostly about and how he was looking forward to seeing God and going to Heaven with the angels. However in Songs of Experience he has totally changed his view on life and his perspective of God and the afterlife. He sees no poi nt in living at all-there is no hope in this poem. Just the darkness of a young child. I think this is how William Blake felt about life, after the fall of the church, how it seemed spirits were blackened by politicians and the way society changed for the worse. William is Tom and Tom is William. William used to believe in God and once looked up to him, but when William saw what was happening to society, he wondered what God would allow such bad and harsh things to happen. God is meant to be all good, no evil, but William wants to know how God can allow such terror and pain. No one is happy anymore. Why would God make everyone sad and full of woe? William wants the answers but he cannot find them so he decides the only option is to desert God like he believes God has deserted him. The Chimney Sweeper (Songs of Innocence) has a lot more hope than The Chimney Sweeper (Songs of Experience) and talks of angels and Heaven as being a good place where no one is sad. William writes about God becoming Toms father if he does his duties. There is hope for Tom at the end of the poem and gives a good outlook on Toms life. However, The Chimney Sweeper (Songs of Experience) brings a completely different perspective of life and overshadows the innocence. All hope is gone and the sadness and woe is back. God has deserted them, so why should they carry on believing in him when he only seems to be hurting them more? The Chimney Sweeper (songs of Innocence) has been written in the view of a young child who is new to the world. He has been taught to believe that God is pure and innocent and will look after him. That is how the people of society have brought up their children and want them to remain hopeful. Yet The Chimney Sweeper (Songs of Experience) has been written by a more experienced person and shows how all these hopes and dreams have been fake and are not going to happen. The reality is how can there be a God if there are so many people in pain? You get two very different sides with these two poems and two very different comparisons on someone who once had hope who know has no hope. Comparing The Chimney Sweeper (Songs of Innocence) with The Chimney Sweeper (Songs of Experience) The Chimney Sweeper (Songs of Innocence) is almost like a much lighter version of The Chimney Sweeper (Songs of Experience). In Songs of Innocence, The boy who is focused on is called Tom and in the second version in Songs of Experience, the boy is unnamed, its as if he has lost his identity as he has grown up. In Songs of Innocence, Tom seems to be new to the world and unknown. He is fresh and is curious about the world; however he is thrown in to a job he does not like and shown the miseries it can cause. Even though this poem shows the downside and trauma it can cause to a child; it also brings hope. Even when Tom is down it talks of angels letting all the children in despair free and fulfilling their dreams. Compared to The Chimney Sweeper (Songs of Experience) it does not really contain any hope or joy. It talks of sad and dark images; there are no dreams and there is no optimism. This shows the comparison as although it is sad, it does bring a little bit of hope to Tom, as he i s young he has dreams that it will be better as time goes on. However it seems Songs of Experience focuses on the dark side of life basically portraying the image of insecurity and misery. Songs of Experience talks of churches and people going to pray making the reader thing happy thoughts but what Blake is really trying to say is that god is not all what he seems. If God was so great, why are people in poverty? Why are people dieing and put in these situations? He used to believe that God was there but as hes grown up hes realised that God has not helped him and as time has gone on he has lost his faith. This perhaps reflects William Blakes view on how on he was opposed to the monarchy and the church. These two poems in comparison show William Blakes faith in God beginning and ending. It shows his journey of why he has to come to the point where he no longer feels God is important and will support him. This is a sad journey and he has used a character called Tom; who I think represents William Blake as a child to portray this. He want it to be known how he feels but I think for some unknown reason he uses Tom instead of the word I because he wishes to be unknown, religion has seriously affected him and in extreme words damages him. He wants people to realise and understand what he has been through yet he cannot bring himself to be direct as in those days, the monarchy and church had extreme effects on society. To speak out against it would almost be a sin itself. William Blake also uses the words I was in The Chimney Sweeper (Songs of Experience) as if it is something he used to be, used to believe in. He is writing about the past and he wishes it to remain the past, whereas The Chimney Sweeper (Songs of Innocence) talks of the present and the hopes for the future so there is a comparison in tenses. The Chimney Sweeper (Songs of Experience) is also a lot shorter than Songs of Innocence. There are only three stanzas where as Songs of Innocence has six. This perhaps shows that as William Blake has lost his faith in God, he has also lost the words to describe this. There is nothing left for him to write about God and he shows this by only writing three verses. The Lamb The Lamb is a sweet and innocent poem that portrays the image of the world being beautiful and pure. It is all very sweet and touching. William writes about a lamb; who is an image of happiness and feeling content. The Lamb is good and brings no evil. William is saying that God can and has the ability to make beautiful creatures. The Lamb I think symbolizes the young and the less experienced as everything seems perfect and nothing can go wrong. William sees the Lamb as an Angel of God and I think this is how he saw God when he was young. He saw God as a wonderful and pure thing that he could always rely on. This is the image portrayed to children. William talks of Gods blessing. He asks the question Dost thou know who made thee? and at the end of the poem he answers the question by saying Little Lamb God bless thee. Meaning God made the Lamb so perfect. The Tiger The Tiger is almost a complete opposite to The Lamb. It raises profound questions but does not finally answer them unlike the Lamb. As in the Lamb it was showing the purity and innocence, yet the Tiger seems to show the hatred and terror of God. It shows the way that life can start so simply everything being perfect, but then turn sour when you least expect it. In the first stanza William writes about an evil tiger that is feared by everyone. He writes that there is no creature or human that dare touch or go near the mighty tiger. God has created something evil that seems to have shocked William. God created the beautiful lamb with its innocence and purity yet God has created something so evil and devilish. So unlike him. William is trying to say that life seems so perfect at first with everything going right, well you think it is going well because you dont know better because you are not experienced, but as you become more experienced you recognise that everything that seemed good wasnt. It is like you have been fooled for most of your life believing in something that is not what it seems in Williams case God. In the fifth stanza William writes: When the stars threw down their spears, And waterd heaven with their tears, Did he smile His work to see? Did he who made the lamb make thee? William is writing that he feels God felt the need to balance the beautiful and innocent creatures with evil creatures. You need the balance of good and evil for the world to go round but do you need this much evil? This much hurt and pain? William wants to know whether the person who made such a sweet and wonderful creature could make such an evil horrible creature. Life cannot just be a sweet lovely experience; you need to have scary experiences to balance it out. Life cannot be too nice so some evil is needed but it depends how much. Comparing The Lamb and The Tiger: The Tiger and The Lamb are the same but opposites. Opposites attract and together the Lamb and the Tiger make life. For nature to have harmony, there has to be a natural balance. William is showing the Tiger represents all the things the lamb is not, and the Lamb represents all the things the Tiger isnt. William feels betrayed, he has studied a faith for most of his life that he believed in, but he feels he has been proved wrong. God isnt evil but thats all William can see in front of him. He feels he has been fooled all of his life until he became more experienced and started thinking for himself to work out life isnt all lovey dovey. The Lamb talks of the purity and sweetness of God hence the Lamb, but in the Tiger, William has come to his own conclusion that God has created evil when he is not supposed to do so. He feels God has taken away his innocence so he will take away his belief from God. The comparison between The Lamb and The Tiger cannot be more apparent. They are totally different animals that portray different images to the world. William Blake knew this and just knowing the titles of the poems gives you an idea of the differences. William Blake I think wanted the differences to be obvious to others so they can really understand how he has lost his faith and why. The Lamb contains two stanzas which are quite long but happy. It is set out as if it is a nursery rhyme and should be spoken joyfully. You do not even have to read it to recgonise this yet in The Tiger there are six stanzas set out like text in a book. It looks a bit duller compared to The Lamb and is definitely not set out as a nursery rhyme. There are a lot more descriptive words than in The Lamb as The Lamb contains more simple rhyming words which are easy to say, making the poem flow with ease possible portraying the easy side of life. The Tiger in comparison is showing the hard side of life and how not everything is what it seems. The Lamb seems to be welcomed with open arms yet The Tiger seems to be feared. This poem shows how God created evil compared to the pure, innocent Lamb God also made. The question William Blake wants to know is what God can create evilif he is meant to be all good? It is like people have been fooled and he is the only one that recognises this. The symmetry of the two animals is shown as a love and hate relationship between God. The Tiger poem is longer and more meaningful than The Lamb poem and I think this is because William Blake wants to express what he has seen and learnt whilst growing up; it is an experienced piece of writing and much longer as he has more to comment on. The Lamb represents the youth and how when young you are oblivious to the world and its meaning yet as you grow up it becomes noticeable and there are a lot of things you find out which are expressed in The Tiger. Comparing The Chimney Sweeper with The Lamb The Tiger The Chimney sweeper shows how a little boy (Tom) views the world and his society. He talks of hope and happy things until he realises as he becomes more experienced that life isnt how it seems. You see the poem in the eyes of a chimney sweeper who is doing a dangerous job and who does not understand society. This chimney sweeper once looked to God for hope until he realised that there wasnt any. When he realised this he turned his back on God and lost the will to live. In the Lamb and the Tiger, William writes about a beautiful creature that has been created so perfect and sweet but then he talks of the evil tiger who is feared by most. This shows how once he thought life was like the Lamb, full of love and innocence yet as he became older he comes to terms with the fact God created both good and evil and he cant accept this. To him for most of his life, God was great. Nothing could harm him if God was there but to him this was all fake. This was not the reality he was in. Both poems are focused around society and God. They both result in William coming to terms that all is not what it seemed. Tom is William Blake when he was younger and is open about his feelings and his religion. The Lamb and the Tiger symbolise William when he is older and how he feels. How society has affected his religion dramatically. I think it is sad that William seems to have lost all belief in the one thing that kept him sane for a while. William Blake wants a God that is pure and innocent, not a touch of evil. Evil is not God, evil is for the devil. William couldnt have what he wanted as he saw a God that creates good and bad and didnt see the point in it so he turned his back on religion and I think all these poems really clearly show this and how perhaps political decisions caused a backlash to him.

World Economics assignment Essay Example for Free

World Economics assignment Essay Introduction In this report, it will introduce the World Economy. Main focus is the key feature of the global economic environment. The core economic issues that are focused on in this report are trade, international payments, exchange rates and economies undergoing change. Procedure To gather the required information to produce this report, extensive usage of the internet, various search engines and university library to understand global economics theory and current affairs. Analysis on Element 1 Firstly, international trade increased word-wide output. International trade activities have develop and explore the comparative advantages of a country, meanwhile, boost the professionalism of industries, higher efficient because of this. If the world-wide output is enhanced and comparative advantages are well-exerted, producers can obtain benefits of economies of scale, accordingly, the cost will descend and profit ascend. Secondly, it provides greater range of commodities for consumers and more choice. Customers coming from varied counties could buy commodities which are not produced domestically by the means of international trade. It contributes to enlarging purchasing market. Since, no matter the similar types of products or goods that not are able produced in domestic area, they could be got through international trade. Additionally, world trade has made an overall increase in standard of living. Specifically, a host of job vacancies offered by muti-national companies help solving the employment problem, then corporation revenue and individual revenue are elevated. Consequently, increased tax will be invested to welfare and infrastructure system. Analysis on Element 2 According to wikipedia, Free trade is a system of trade policy that allows traders to act and or transact without interference from government. According to the law of comparative advantage the policy permits trading partners mutual gains from trade of goods and services.(1) According to wikipedia, The Latin American Free Trade Association (LAFTA) was created in the 1960 Treaty of Montevideo by Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Mexico, Paraguay, Peru, and Uruguay. The signatories hoped to create a common market in Latin America and offered tariff rebates among member nations. LAFTA came into effect on January 2, 1962. When the trade association commenced it had seven members and its main goal was to eliminate all duties and restrictions on the majority of their trade within a twelve year period. By the late 1960s the area of LAFTA had a population of 220 million and produced about $90 billion of goods and services annually. By the same time it had an average per capita gross national product of $440. The goal of the LAFTA is the creation of a free trade zone in Latin America. It should foster mutual regional trade among the member states, as well as with the U.S. and the European Union.(2) Analysis on Element 3 According to wikipedia, In economics, principle of absolute advantage refers to the ability of a party (an individual, or firm, or country) to produce more of a good or service than competitors, using the same amount of resources. Adam Smith first described the principle of absolute advantage in the context of international trade, using labor as the only input(3). For instance, the capital market of UK is absolute advantage when comparing to the developing countries. According to wikipedia, The law of comparative advantage refers to the ability of a party (an individual, a firm, or a country) to produce a particular good or service at a lower opportunity cost than another party. It is the ability to produce a product with the highest relative efficiency given all the other products that could be produced(4). For instance, during the end of 19 century and beginning of 20 century, textile industry of UK developed well. However, in the middle and end of 21 century, Chinas textile industry became a comparative advantage because of enhanced efficient by means of adopting new product technologies. Analysis on Element 4 According to wikipedia, Protectionism is the economic policy of restraining trade between states, through methods such as tariffs on imported goods, restrictive quotas, and a variety of other government regulations designed to discourage imports, and prevent foreign take-over of domestic markets and companies(5). Its a practice of regulating imports and exports with the purpose of shielding domestic industries from foreign competition. Governments adopt protectionism in order to help the country become self-sufficient, to protect new industries, or as a bargaining tool. In terms of tariff which was applied in protectionism, there are two examples. On September of 2010, Chinese government enforce new import duties ranging from 50.3 to 105.4 percent on US chicken lasting for five years, since a investigation found that US chicken was being sold at low prices a process called dumping(6). Another instance is, according to the webpage, on November of 2009, Brazil would raise cane over U.S. ethanol tariff. The reason for that is Brazil sugar producers say sugar-based fuel is more environmentally sound than electricity or corn ethanol for as an alternative for powering cars(7). Analysis on Element 5 Trade barriers are constraints that tend to hinder the motivation to engage in the importing or exporting of goods(8). There are two types of barriers that a government can employ, which are Tariff barriers and Non-Tariff barriers. According to the student guide, Tariffs are taxes or customs duties placed on foreign products to artificially raise their prices and this hopefully, suppresses domestic demand for them.(9) According to wikipedia, Non-tariff barriers to trade (NTBs) are trade barriers that restrict imports but are not in the usual form of a tariff.(10) it can take many forms, including quotas, embargoes, exchange controls, import deposits, voluntary export restrains, product standard procedures, subsidies and etc. There are two instances that indicate how tariff barriers influence the global trade. According to the webpage, On September of 2010, chinas commerce ministry announced that it would impose import tariffs on American poultry of up to 105.4 percent(11). Another is, on August of 2010, Mexicos new list which includes meats, vegetables and household items face tariffs of 5 percent to 25 percent, which will hurt Texas more(12). Analysis on Element 6 In brief, according to the webpage, the World Trade Organization (WTO) is an organization which can provide a negotiating forum, offer a set of rules and helps to settle disputes for its memberships between nations. Its main function is to ensure that trade flow as smoothly, predictably and freely as possible(13). According to the publication of European Commission, on 8 December 2003, the EC requested consultations with India on 27 antidumping measures imposed on a variety of EC exports, including pharmaceuticals, chemicals, paper, textile and steel. The problems in the Indian cases mainly referred to the highly insufficient injury and causality analysis, the failure to provide meaningful disclosure documents and a continuous disregard of arguments presented by EC exporters and the EC. Following the consultations held in February 2004, India opened a review process which has led to the termination of most of the contested measures, including those of most economic interest for EC exporters (steel and pharmaceutical products)(14). Analysis on Element 7 The aims of EU are following: Firstly, Eliminate customs duties and quotas between members. Secondly, establish common external tariff for non members (operated through common commercial policy). Thirdly, establish free movement of people, service, goods and capital between members, meanwhile, reduce anti-competitive practices. Fourth, associate with countries outside union to increase trade. Further, move towards full economic and monetary union. Lastly, develop common foreign, security and defense policy(15). In respect of trade, EU has encouraged to use one single currency which promotes the development of trade. Regarding to administration, the applying of Schengen Visa decrease administrative impediments and encourage the flow of individuals and business. Moreover, it implements unified foreign policy when confronted with trade disputes. Analysis on Element 8 The Balance of Payments can effectively be broken down into two parts. According to the webpage, The Current Account records international trade in goods and service, international income flows and current transfers. The Capital Account and Financial Account form the counter part to this, recording the changing pattern in the international ownership of assets. While the Financial Account records changes in the cross-border flows of assets the international Investment Position measures the total stocks of foreign assets and liabilities held by a nation(16). The trade in goods balance is the difference between the value of goods exported and the value of goods imported. The trade in services is recorded in the same way, with credits to the Current account reflecting services exports and debits services imports. Net income flows reflect international payments associated with the ownership of the factors of production (land, labor and capital). Current transfer records a miscellaneous set of net payments including workers remittances, social security, foreign aid and contributions to international organizations(17). In 2009, the current account deficit stands atà ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½15.5 billion. The deficit of trade in goods account falling toà ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½81.9 billion. The trade in services account has shown a surplus of à ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½49.9 billion. The investment income balance rose to a record level of à ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½32 billion. The deficit of transfers account reached a record of à ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½14.8 billion. Additionally, The capital account represented in à ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½3.2 billion and financial account had a net inflow of à ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½5.6 billion(18). Analysis on Element 9 According to the bar chart of trade in good and trade in services, the UK trade was fluctuated over the last 30 years. The UK trade has really only been in surplus in the very early 1980s which around à ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½3 billion. However, after that, there has a apparent drop from 1982 to 1989 where at a bottom in minus à ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½25 billion in 1989. Then, from 1990 to 1997, it roughly remained same which around à ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½10 billion deficits. What is worse, the UK trade has a substantial decline which from à ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½21 billion deficits in 1998 to à ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½90 billion deficits in 2008 during the ten years. In 2009, the trade of good has a deficit around à ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½81.9 billion(19). As for the trade in services, the UK has traditionally been in surplus and certainly has been so from 1976-1997. The services trade approximately remained surplus à ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½4 billion during four years which from 1980 to 1984. Then, it peaked at à ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½7 billion within 3 years which from 1985 to 1987 during the 1980s. From 1991 to 1997, it ascended gentlely from à ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½4 to à ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½11 billion deficit. However, there was a sharply growth after 2005 which from à ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½25 billion positive to à ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½56 billion positive in 2008. In 2009, it dropped to à ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½49.9 billion trade in services. Analysis on Element 10 According to the wikipedia, The exchange rates between two currencies specify how much currency is worth of a foreign nations in terms of the home nations currency(20). It has two forms which are fixed exchange rate and floating exchange rate. As to the floating exchange rate, according to the student guide, if the value of currency rises imported goods will be cheaper, therefore the trade in goods is likely to move into deficit. If the value of a currency falls, domestic goods and services will be dearer in domestic markets. This should mean an improvement in trade in goods(21). With regarding to the fixed exchange rate, according to the student guide, a persistent surplus could be dealt with by measures which allow domestic consumers to feel confident to purchase more. If the domestic economy cannot respond then imports would probably increase and exports might become less competitive.(22) Therefore, it will lead to a decrease of trade in goods. If the opposite were the case, a persistent deficit then measures could be used to restrict domestic demand and also to place greater restrictions on imports.(23) Hence, an increase of trade in goods will be emerged with that. For example, it is suggested that the American government has a requirement of increasing the value of RMB (increasing the exchange rate of RMB to change dollar) in 2001. In the end of 2006, Chinese government put the policy to take the exchange rate, it means originally 100 US dollars exchange 826 RMB, now only swap about to 800 RMB. In this way, they can make use of less money to change more products of Chinese in order to offset the quota of currency. Analysis on Element 11 The single currency is usually a double edge sword, which both bring the UK government strengthens and weaknesses. Advantages: To the UK economy, keeps interest rates lower, the commitment to low inflation should allow the economies to operate lower cost. Increase foreign investment, if the UK join the single currency system, direct inward investment should be attracted because the reduction of uncertainly there is not the need to calculate demonstrate the UK pound(24). Disadvantages For the UK government, changes from old currency may be costly; the government needs spend additional money, like, purchase the new equipment and staff training. The UK government will lose the independent monetary policy, since when UK adopt the single currency, the scope for fiscal policy adjustments is restricted by need to stay within 3% of GDP(25). Analysis on Element 12 To individuals, adopting the single currency could eliminate cost on exchange currency. No matter Tourists or citizens, they do not need to care about more money will be spend because of changing exchange rate. Besides, it renders purchasers convenient and efficient shopping, most essentially, a wide range of selections of goods and considerations without additional expenditure. To the business, utilizing a single currency intensifies stiff competition among members within EU. By the contrast, it also provides corporations with increasingly opportunities and possibilities of expansion, so that these firms could produce their product to wider within EU. Whats more, it decreases the cost of foreign investment to dedicate domestically. Analysis on Element 13 According to wikipedia, Least Developed Country (LDC) is the name given to a country which, according to the United Nations, exhibits the lowest indicators of socioeconomic development, with the lowest Human Development Index ratings of all countries in the world. A country is classified as a Least Developed Country if it meets three criteria: * low-income (three-year average GNI per capita of less than US $905, which must exceed $1,086 to leave the list) * human resource weakness (based on indicators of nutrition, health, education and adult literacy) and * economic vulnerability (based on instability of agricultural production, instability of exports of goods and services, economic importance of non-traditional activities, merchandise export concentration, handicap of economic smallness, and the percentage of population displaced by natural disasters)(26) For instance, Bhutan and Maldives in Asia is confronted with several problems which include shortage of education investment, out-dated medical treatment and high incident of employment. Analysis on Element 14 NICs like Kiribati may face the problem of indebtedness. According to the student guide, As the living standards and per capital income of NICs approach those of the mature economies they will certainly find it difficult to sustain growth, they may well have benefited from aid from the World Bank or IMF. Were they clever enough to pay off all debts they might have owed externally or as close to it as they could before being exposed to some fairly fierce competition(27). In Cambodia, the unemployment is usually very high with very little industry because most people work on their own small plots of land. The social, cultural and religious patters within these countries are barriers to mobility and change(28). Analysis on Element 15 The impact of multi-national firms on NICs and LDCs may be broadly similar. The benefits have increase employment, the new methods and technology and contribute to economic growth, to name just a few. At the same time the problems have which may eliminate domestic competition, occupy the local nature resources and the profits are mainly transfer back to Home County(29). Volkswagen as the first group company into Chinese marketing, they merger the Shanghai automobile firm and established the Shanghai Volkswagen Company. The professional training designed for Chinese worker brought in the updated technology and management skills. The other instance is about Samsung Electronics. The organization install their manufactory in developing countries like India, it may use up the natural resources and give extreme detrimental environmental influences on host country. Summary All those are the 15 key elements about the world economy. At present, the global economy tends to integration, so to realize world economy is very necessary for countries, businesses, and even individuals. Reference (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) Economics 2: The World Economy by China Mordern Economic Publishing House Page34. (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) Economics 2: The World Economy by China Mordern Economic Publishing House Page 66. (16) (17) (18) United Kingdom Balance of Payments The Pink Book (19) United Kingdom Balance of Payment-The Pink Book (20) (21) Economics 2: The World Economy by China Mordern Economic Publishing House Page 91and 92. (22) Economics 2: The World Economy by China Mordern Economic Publishing House Page 103. (23) Economics 2: The World Economy by China Mordern Economic Publishing House Page 103. (24) Economics 2: The World Economy by China Mordern Economic Publishing House Page 112. (25) Economics 2: The World Economy by China Mordern Economic Publishing House Page 113. (26) (27) Economics 2: The World Economy by China Mordern Economic Publishing House Page 134 and 135. (28) Economics 2: The World Economy by China Mordern Economic Publishing House Page 139. (29) Economics 2: The World Economy by China Mordern Economic Publishing House Page 148-149.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Requirements for a Pilates Instructor

Requirements for a Pilates Instructor Pilates Instructor What is required to be a Pilates instructor? A Pilates instructor offers hands-on comprehensive Pilates instruction to a group of students or to an individual. As a fitness program, Pilates is designed to increase the muscular strength, and to improve one’s posture while toning the body. This is usually taught by working on specifically designed Pilates equipment as also using a Pilates mat. The majority of Pilates instructors are certified practitioners having completed a lengthy training program, but there are also some excellent instructors that have been instructing for many years who are not certified because they probably began instructing before certification existed. Ask yourself the following questions: Do I enjoy teaching? Do I have an interest in body mechanics, anatomy and exercise science? Do I enjoy speaking in front of large groups Am I self-motivated? Am I ok trading my job stability for job flexibility? Core Strength Core strength is the foundation of Pilates. Core muscle is the deep, internal musculature of the back and abdomen. When these core muscles are strong and correctly executing their role, as they are trained to do with Pilates, they will work together with the more superficial musculature of one’s trunk to support the spine and one’s movement. As one develops core strength then also stability is developed throughout the entire torso. This is one technique by which Pilates assists people to overcome their back pain. As the trunk of the body is correctly stabilized, any pressure on the back is released and then the body is able to move more freely and efficiently. The Six Pilates Principles: Centering Control Flow Breath Precision Concentration These six principles are the essential components found in a high quality Pilates workout. The techniques have always emphasized quality over quantity, and you will find that, unlike other systems of exercise, Pilates does not include a lot of repetition for each posture. Alternatively, performing each exercise fully, with precision, will yield more significant gains in a shorter period than one would imagine. A Unique System of Exercise Core strength and thus torso stability, along with the six principles, establish the Pilates techniques apart from so many other types of exercise – which mostly are merely exercise. Weight lifting, for example, can place much attention on arm or leg strength but without attending at all to the inescapable fact that these body parts are connected to the rest of one’s body. Even swimming or running can seem to be all arms and legs, with either an overly tense or a floppy core. Ultimately those people who really do succeed at their sport also learn to use their core muscles correctly and to their advantage. In Pilates an integrative methodology is taught and learned from the outset. Training to Become a Pilates Instructor It is a challenging goal to aim for Pilates fitness instructor certification, but it is clearly worthwhile if you love fitness and group exercise. Equally, you must be willing to invest in the time and effort necessary, for you could become certified and start teaching Pilates within less than one year. As an instructor, you shall be able to assist others to reach their fitness goal while also maintaining your own. The training required to become an instructor of Pilates is intense. Most individual training certifications are in the 20-hour range. To be a completely certified Pilates instructor this will require some 500 or so hours of courses, and will take most people approximately 18 to 24 months to accomplish. You have to love Pilates and also be prepared to study and train hard. You will be spending many weekends at seminars and also a lot of time by yourself practicing, while also practicing teaching upon your friends and those willing to lie down on a mat for you instruction. Expect to spend approximately $4,000 to complete the full training. To qualify as a Pilates instructor, it’s recommended that one participates in Pilates classes for a lengthy stint in order to discover one’s aptitude and interest for the program. Additionally, many of the instructors also study anatomy and other exercise and fitness principles before they embark upon gaining certification from a studio; some number of studios simply will not accept applicants for Pilates instructor training without some background in human anatomy. A student will be required to choose certification in either Pilates mat instruction, which is simpler and so less expensive Or in the comprehensive instruction course with competence of Pilates equipment. Pilates instruction can take place in a group scenario, with several students, or by teaching individual private clients. If an instructor is employed by a studio, then generally they need to teach a required number of classes as determined by the studio, yet many instructors are self-employed and thus are able to determine their own schedules. Choose a mat or comprehensive certification Both the Pilates mat certification or the comprehensive Pilates equipment certification programs, will involve regular classes, both in group and as an individual, including hands-on instruction, written course work, and a final examination. The examination will also include both hands-on work and written questions. The instructor applicants may also be required to assist an existing certified instructor for a number of classes before they are granted the certification. An instructor will need to thoroughly understand the over 500 exercises in the full program, and also how to instruct them on the mat and also using the equipment. They shall need to know how to modify the postures for individuals who may have different needs, such as pregnant women, those with injuries, disabilities, diminished flexibility, or the elderly. Instructors may also wish to incorporate Pilates with other forms of exercise or well-being sciences, like Yoga. The Pilates Method Alliance is the governing body for the Pilates industry. But as this is an unregulated sector, it is not essential that one gets certification through the PMA, but it is recommended. Pilates certification is usually split into two parts Pilates mat certification Comprehensive certification in Pilates, covering all of the specialized Pilates equipment. Following these two basics, there is the professional certification and also further to this several levels of advanced training. This is available for those students who choose to also specialize in a sport-specific, or in the rehabilitative dimensions of Pilates. Basic Mat Instructor Mat instructor training is generally available to those students that have demonstrated the basic proficiency in their classes. It’s recommended that a student should study Pilates for some period before they commence a teacher’s training class, but unfortunately, not all of the certifying bodies are requiring previous Pilates experience. The training courses for mat instructors cover all basic mat exercises, including the techniques of modification sometimes required for different client needs. Expect a mat instructor examination to include a teaching demonstration and also a written test. The basic Mat Instructor certificate is often offered as an intensive one weekend course, or as a course spanning two weekends, this will depend upon the provider. Expect this to cost anywhere from $100. to $300. And even more for certification. Again, please beware. Pilates training is not standardized, so therefore you will get what you pay for. Do research the certification body that interests you and confirm that it meets your standards and needs. Comprehensive Instructor Certification Comprehensive certification that includes Pilates equipment is a more elaborate course than the basic mat instructor certification. A potential student is often required to have undergone at least one year of Pilates study, which includes a number of private lessons. Completion of the mat teacher training course will also be expected. At this comprehensive level, a student must undertake a basic course in human anatomy and physiology, plus the history of Joseph Pilates and also the evolution of the Pilates Method. Moreover in-depth instruction of the Pilates equipment and the exercises performed on it with modifications, are expected. The higher the level then the more sophisticated the certification becomes, so these days there is a trend toward phasing the comprehensive instructor certification process into several segments. Each certification program course has its own design and they do vary, e.g., one may see a program where there is a study level for the reformer, or another for the Cadillac or other apparatus, and perhaps a level dealing with issues regarding special needs. Each of the levels may be an intensive course, or learnt over a longer period of time. Comprehensive certification may take over a year of studies to accomplish, it regularly requires many hours spent in a studio as a teacher apprentice, totaling approximately some 900 hours over a year. Validity of Certification Carefully research which type of fitness organization that you may wish to be associated with. Where you actually obtain the fitness instructor certification will no doubt influence the future job search after training is completed. Various organizations do offer training and subsequent certification, however not all are reputable or even recognized by many gyms or other fitness and health facilities. Do ask established Pilates instructors regarding their training, and understand that acknowledged fitness training organizations, such as the American Fitness Professionals Associates (AFPA), offer you bona fide and specialized group instructor training of all types. Your overall fitness career goal To reach the goal you have chosen, do work with a competent organization that will enable you to reach it. Firstly, secure a Group Fitness Instructor Certification via professionally authenticated fitness training organizations, like Americas Authority on Fitness (ACE). The basic group exercise training and certification will assist you in opening more doors than not having such validity, and moreover it will provide a sturdier foundation for further specialized training, including comprehensive Pilates certification. Understand precisely what you need to accomplish to gain certification, and research the full cost of training prior to committing. Calculate the added costs for other prerequisites, such as CPR training. Ensure you receive the appropriate fitness credits for all the training courses completed. Many fitness training organizations tally the course credits for certification similar to how most colleges and universities calculate the accumulation of credits for a degree. Sometimes the fitness credits may be applied to other types of certifications. Hybrid Pilates. Yoga Pilates. Pilates with Bands, The great Ball, etc†¦ Think about combining Pilates with other exercise methods or fitness equipment techniques as this is a growing field. You can now get certified for Yoga-Pilates, Pilates with exercise bands, and Pilates on the ball, and more. These sort of certification programs are regularly offered in weekend programs that have few prerequisites. Though hybrid combinations may be fun and helpful, it is equally important to understand that Pilates is a highly specific methodology. A minimum requirement of a mat instructor certificate is recommended prior to commencing any cross-over teaching. Pilates Instructing tips Pilates can be somewhat difficult, especially for beginners. When instructing Pilates, it is crucial for the instructor to consider the ability levels of all the participants. To make this easier, it is usually better to limit class sizes so that each participant will receive more of an individual guidance. Classes should be designed to a specific ability level so that on the whole, while abilities will naturally vary, the class is moreorless of a beginner standard, or intermediate etc. One of the mistakes instructors can make is not to put in sufficient effort that keeps the class fun. Instructing Pilates is much more than simply getting people to exercise; it is also about teaching participants to develop healthy long term habits. One way to do this is to keep the activities fun for the class, as this will influence the class to want to keep on with learning. Engaging with individuals is vital, while ensuring that each individual is within their ability level, while also expanding their comfort zone. The effectiveness of any Pilates instructor depends upon their knowledge of the exercises and routines and of their enthusiasm.. these character traits are contagious and those participating in a class will respond to how they are being instructed, and mirror that enthusiasm. An instructor should be clear and precise regarding their instructions and able to guide seamless transitions between the activities while teaching Pilates. This presupposes that you are able to work as an effective communicator while ensuring that each student in the class can understand the guidance. In between the exercises, an instructor must be offering encouragement and also motivation to learners, and explaining carefully the following activity and why it is important. Repetition may be necessary as many students will not clearly follow or understand the directions in full, initially. Some students will inculcate instructions much better by observing, therefore the instructor may need to demonstrate an exercise before and during a set of exercises being performed by the students. Be assured you that you do not have to be young, thin, and extremely agile or a strong individual to toward become instructor. However it’s necessary, to have a passion for passing on knowledge to others.